The lovers of Open-face Chinese have all the reason to be excited as a there is a new game for them to try out now. TonyBet Poker is known as the biggest website for ‘Open Face Chinese Poker’. It has now introduced another OFC variant. This is a Pineapple OFC variation, which is a very famous variant on the website. Players will have to play the game mid hands following the lowball style (Kansas City). It is different from the other OFC poker games in the sense that players need to put the lowest hand right in the centre for a win.
New variants Needed
According to a TonyBet Poker representative, this is actually quite exciting as this game is interesting, thrilling and very unpredictable. Players will find it to be quite different as compared to the typical Pineapple. When playing the game, one needs to be fully aware and quick to adapt to a unique game mode.
Jennifer Shahade, who won the Tonybet OFC Poker World Championship High Roller affair, said that new variant of OFC games are required so as to keep the popularity of the game going. She plays OFC poker regularly which is now gaining momentum owing to the poker community.
More variants in 2015
The later part of the year will see even more variants being launched by TonyBet Poker. The representatives of the website revealed that their ‘Deuce to Seven’ OFC poker game is simply a preview of the several more surprises that are there in the pipeline.
He further added that the game offered by the site is different as compared to all other games because the players have the option to invent new variations and add new features. So it is more like a customised gaming experience. It makes the game come alive turning into something which is absolutely fresh and more thrilling!