Daniel Negreanu, a poker legend famed for his ability to make insane reads, is appearing in an upcoming television series titled “Four Kings.” In a recent interview, Negreanu described the show as being about four friends (three professional poker players and one bookie) living out of a Las Vegas penthouse as they seek the thrills, fame, and fortune of high-stakes poker. Please visit best roulette online and make extra cash.
Negreanu did not specify the extent of his role, but he did indicate that he was playing himself in the show. This likely means that other major figures from the poker world will also make appearances.
While the names of case members have been released, their roles haven’t been specified. Members of the cast, according to early information, include actor / poker player Kevin Pollak and actor Robert Iler (of Soprano’s fame).
“Four Kings” is planned as a 30-minute scripted drama. The show, according to current descriptions, won’t be about in-fighting or group bickering. Rather, it will be about a group of loyal friends who remain loyal to one another as they pursue the dream of becoming world poker champions.
According to Negreanu, the show is aiming for mainstream appeal. “If it’s just a show that poker players are gonna watch, then it’s not going to last,” he stated. “But this is something I think everyday people who don’t play poker may watch and actually become more intrigued by the game.” This deviation from the standard approach is likely a response to the history of short-lived gambling shows such as “Luck” and “Tilt.”
Sadly, there’s little more information on where or where you’ll be able to catch “Four Kings”: It hasn’t yet been picked up by any network, although Negreanu indicated that the show has already received substantial interest from several networks.